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  • March/April 2013
    March/April 2013 — Back Issues
    Goodbye Winter, Hello Pond ... by Bob Lusk and Matt Rayl Getting Back to Where I Was ... by Beth Lahaie Wildlife at Large ... Spring Rebound! What is your frog knowledge? - Check out Know Your Pond Life "Bird Man" Mel ... Shorebirds - Look Quick...
  • January/February 2013
    January/February 2013 — Back Issues
    New Year's Resolutions for Your Pond by Bob Lusk Tim Matson explains how to adapt your pond to climate change Where Do Skinny Fish Come From? ... Check out Know Your Pond Life Pond to Plate ... Delicious & nutritious recipe to add to your "Be...
  • November/December 2012
    November/December 2012 — Back Issues
    Pond Boss V … knowledge shared and great times celebrated with Pond Boss Family! Holiday stress? ... take heed to Beth Lahaie’s advice in Winter Rest. Wildlife at Large … Ponds, Ecosystems, and Wildlife. Autumn Sparrows … Are they...
  • September/October 2012
    September/October 2012 — Back Issues
    Pond Boss V Conference & Expo ... Calling all Pondmeisters! Cyanobacteria ... Your Dinosaur's Algae. The Fish Professor ... explains how to take advantage of low water in a drought. Wildlife at Large ... In Defense of Otters. Fabulous Fishing .....
  • July/August 2012
    July/August 2012 — Back Issues
    Does Your Pond Pump Iron?... What iron does to your water. Tracking Growth Rates of Your Fish... Simple steps anyone can do to judge how fast your fish are growing. The Muckity-Muck of Your Pond... What is silt & where does it come from? Pond Boss V ......
  • May/June 2012
    May/June 2012 — Back Issues
    Young Bluegill Growth ... Possible determining factors. Riparian Areas... Learn their benefits and value. Aquatic Vegetation... The good, the bad, and the balancing act. P is for Phosphorous... What is it? Pond Boss V... Registration details inside ! Bird...
  • March/April 2012
    March/April 2012 — Back Issues
    Bacteria, Algae ... Is it that big of a deal? Clarity and Turbidity - Understand their differences. Channel Catfish - Water bloodhounds with a plan. Myths and misconceptions about catfish ... Learn the facts. Future of Wildlife - Will agriculture win...
  • January/February 2012
    January/February 2012 — Back Issues
    Docks - Many reasons, depending on your wishes. On Nothern Pond - Farm raised fish, compared to wild caught. Water Chemistry - It doesn't take a PhD to understand pH. Managing Wildlife? - Learn about brush cover. Aquatic Plants - Love them or murder the...
  • November/December 2011
    November/December 2011 — Back Issues
    Fish behavior - Learn why certain fish behave different ways in your pond… Want to catch a few fall fish? Brad Wiegmann offers tips & pointers. What’s in your water? A second primer on water quality & basics of chemistry. Nesting...
  • September/October 2011
    September/October 2011 — Back Issues
    The September-October issue of Pond Boss offers up information on a campaign near and dear to the Pond Boss Family, " I Support Outdoor Education ." Take a minute to read about this worthy cause and hear from Alan Warren, who is spearheading this...
  • July/August 2011
    July/August 2011 — Back Issues
    The July-August issue of Pond Boss is timely, full of information you can actually use. Learn about using native fish to stock in your area. Planting for wildlife this time of year? Listen to what wildlife biologist Dan VanSchaik has to say. Editor Bob Lusk...
  • May/June 2011
    May/June 2011 — Back Issues
    The May/June issue is loaded with exciting new information. Want to grow vegetables and clean your water at the same time? Aquaponics might be your gig.
  • March/April 2011
    March/April 2011 — Back Issues
    The March-April 2011 issue of Pond Boss is brimming with information you can use. Want to learn more about the Pond Boss IV Conference & Expo (April 14-16, 2011)? Bob Lusk shares exciting news about the program and announces the keynote speaker, outdoor...
  • January/February 2011
    January/February 2011 — Back Issues
    The January-February 2011 issue of Pond Boss is loaded with timely information. Learn how flocks of geese impact your waters. Learn how to figure if your bass are overcrowded and then what to do. Hungry bass? Should you feed them live rainbow trout? Get some...
  • November/December 2010
    November/December 2010 — Back Issues
    SOMETIMES YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL. Jeff Slipke describes and interesting fishery in a AR 30 ac pond containing 15 species of fish. Good fishery with too few bass; an unusual natural fertility situation producing lots of quality fish. WHAT IS A BLOOM? Lusk goes...
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