Looking for something specific about pond management? Chances are… someone has written about it in the pages of Pond Boss magazine.
Born as a newsletter in July, 1992, Pond Boss magazine has emerged as the go-to source for all things pond. In our archives, we have a long list of back issues, loaded with practical information you can use. Want to know how to make a cane pole, fertilize a southern pond, figure out if your fish are growing or not? Maybe how to identify aquatic plants or how to build a beach? Pond Boss has it. Take a look at each year’s list of published articles and dig deeper into those things you want to know. Pond Boss back issues archives has it. More than 110 issues* of great information, at your beck and call.
Note: * If the back issue you select has completely sold out, we will substitute a photocopy facsimile of the entire issue, bound and trimmed in magazine style.
In this issue:
Real World renovations
Building Lake Deanna- Part III: Habitat Design
Hoffman Farm at 35,000 feet
A Successful Fishery: Its Impact on a Close-Knit Family
Aging Deer
More Mud than Minnow
The Core of Building Your Lake
Starting Over: How to Begin Anew
Reading Bathymetric and Topographic Maps
Inheriting a Mess
Special Bird Feeders to Help Your Family Enjoy Songbirds
Fathead Minnow Facts
Nitrogen- A Ciritcal Fertilizer Nutrient for Ponds
Winter Time Check List
What Happens to Cedar Trees Under Water?
Aeration and Carrying Capacity
Blackend Tilapia Tacos with Debbie's Cole Slaw
Why Pond Boss? If you own or manage private waters anywhere in the world - or want to - Pond Boss is the leading authority. Pond Boss magazine and pondboss.com.