Looking for something specific about pond management? Chances are… someone has written about it in the pages of Pond Boss magazine.
Born as a newsletter in July, 1992, Pond Boss magazine has emerged as the go-to source for all things pond. In our archives, we have a long list of back issues, loaded with practical information you can use. Want to know how to make a cane pole, fertilize a southern pond, figure out if your fish are growing or not? Maybe how to identify aquatic plants or how to build a beach? Pond Boss has it. Take a look at each year’s list of published articles and dig deeper into those things you want to know. Pond Boss back issues archives has it. More than 110 issues* of great information, at your beck and call.
Note: * If the back issue you select has completely sold out, we will substitute a photocopy facsimile of the entire issue, bound and trimmed in magazine style.
In This Issue:
Wichita Lake Done Well
Oxygen Reduction and Pond Bottom Muck
Methane in Our Ponds
Growing Tropy Fish on a Stable Foundation
Is Supplemental Feed Necessary Through Summer?
Better our Small Ponds by Improving Diversity
Getting to the Core
Why is it so Hard to Recover a Bass-Crowded Pond?
Little Fish, Big Fun
Blown Out
What Do Hummingbirds Want?
Spawning Channel Catfish at a Hatchery
Basic Concepts about Pond Productivity
Prepping Northern Ponds
Signs of Aquatic Furbearers
Plankton- Where it all Starts or Stops
Why Pond Boss? If you own or manage private waters anywhere in the world - or want to - Pond Boss is the leading authority. Pond Boss magazine and pondboss.com.