Looking for something specific about pond management? Chances are… someone has written about it in the pages of Pond Boss magazine.
Born as a newsletter in July, 1992, Pond Boss magazine has emerged as the go-to source for all things pond. In our archives, we have a long list of back issues, loaded with practical information you can use. Want to know how to make a cane pole, fertilize a southern pond, figure out if your fish are growing or not? Maybe how to identify aquatic plants or how to build a beach? Pond Boss has it. Take a look at each year’s list of published articles and dig deeper into those things you want to know. Pond Boss back issues archives has it. More than 110 issues* of great information, at your beck and call.
Note: * If the back issue you select has completely sold out, we will substitute a photocopy facsimile of the entire issue, bound and trimmed in magazine style.

- Cover Story. Texas Bass Record Falls. What mgmt techniques H. Arms used in Mills County 80 ac Lk to produce 15.7 lb bass. Insert: Run silent, run deep. Trophy angler describes his favorite fishing method.
- Obituary for John H.Clift. OK - TX journalist.
- Customers Write. A. Praise from AL, TX. B. KY pond described.
- Fee Fishing Beckons. Advice for operating a fee fishing pond.
- PBoss Field Notes. A. Harrel Arms named Pres. of TX Aquaculture Asoc. B. Trout stocking for fall in ponds. C. Supplementary feeding produces 22"" catfish in 10 months. D. Fish find structure quick.
- Ask PBoss: Dealing with increasing algae problems. Short profile of Bob Langjahr at Aquatic Biologists Inc.
- Pond Boss Trouble Shooter. Hints for improving pond with too little shoreline.
- Readers Speak Out. Results of Reader Survey.
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