Looking for something specific about pond management? Chances are… someone has written about it in the pages of Pond Boss magazine.
Born as a newsletter in July, 1992, Pond Boss magazine has emerged as the go-to source for all things pond. In our archives, we have a long list of back issues, loaded with practical information you can use. Want to know how to make a cane pole, fertilize a southern pond, figure out if your fish are growing or not? Maybe how to identify aquatic plants or how to build a beach? Pond Boss has it. Take a look at each year’s list of published articles and dig deeper into those things you want to know. Pond Boss back issues archives has it. More than 110 issues* of great information, at your beck and call.
Note: * If the back issue you select has completely sold out, we will substitute a photocopy facsimile of the entire issue, bound and trimmed in magazine style.

- Cover Story. Cutting Back. Tips from the Pros On Winter Feeding. Lusk, Arms, and Edwards offer feeding tips during cold weather.
- Snow Cap Puts Fish On Ice. Ouwinga (MI) & Michell (CO) offer tips to prevent winter kill.
- Mixing The Forage Base. Job one is to rebuild the bottom of the food chain then reduce competition for food. How fishery in a 27 ac pond in Kerrville was improved.
- ASK PBOSS. How to catch gizzard shad on rod & reel and the bait used. Weed Patrol. Get An Early Start on Summer Vegetation. How to stay ahead of summer weeds.
- Lure Wildlife to Your Pond.
- POND TO PLATE. Panfried fish with peppers onions and celery (or canned salsa).
- FIELD NOTES. Subscriber Honored for Management. Mark Waston wins National award for fish & game mgmt.
- Fishing Expert Sees Bright Fisheries Future. J.Lock extension specialist keen on stocking private and public waters. His study showed that 70% of total bass in a 2 ac pond could be caught with lures in less than 2 wks.
- Obituary for Clarence Zwahr - Danbury Fish Farms.
- Customers Write.
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