Back Issues

Looking for something specific about pond management?  Chances are… someone has written about it in the pages of Pond Boss magazine.

Born as a newsletter in July, 1992, Pond Boss magazine has emerged as the go-to source for all things pond.  In our archives, we have a long list of back issues, loaded with practical information you can use. Want to know how to make a cane pole, fertilize a southern pond, figure out if your fish are growing or not? Maybe how to identify aquatic plants or how to build a beach? Pond Boss has it.  Take a look at each year’s list of published articles and dig deeper into those things you want to know.  Pond Boss back issues archives has it.  More than 110 issues* of great information, at your beck and call.

Note: * If the back issue you select has completely sold out, we will substitute a photocopy facsimile of the entire issue, bound and trimmed in magazine style.

Showing 73-84 of 194 issues
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September/October 2012
Volume XXI, No. 2
Issued September 1, 2012
In This Issue:

Pond Boss V Conference & Expo... Calling all Pondmeisters!
Cyanobacteria... Your Dinosaur's Algae.
The Fish Professor... explains how to take advantage of low water in a drought.
Wildlife at Large... In Defense of Otters.
Fabulous Fishing... What goes on behind the scenes?
"Bird Man" Mel...  Don't let squirrels drive you nuts!
Wildfires... Managing your risk.
Series, Part IV - So, I Wanted a Pond to Retire on...

July/August 2012
Volume XXI, No. 1
Issued July 1, 2012
In This Issue:

Does Your Pond Pump Iron?...  What iron does to your water.
Tracking Growth Rates of Your Fish...  Simple steps anyone can do to judge how fast your fish are growing.
The Muckity-Muck of Your Pond...  What is silt & where does it come from?
Pond Boss V....   Registration details inside!
The Majesty of Water...   Water is a magical substance, learn how it works.
Wildlife at Large - Eating Meat...   A closer look at the ethics of eating your bounty.
Bats -  Nature's Best Bug Zapper

May/June 2012
Volume XX, No. 6
Issued May 1, 2012
In This Issue:

Young Bluegill Growth...  Possible determining factors.
Riparian Areas...  Learn their benefits and value.
Aquatic Vegetation...  The good, the bad, and the balancing act.
P is for Phosphorous...  What is it?
Pond Boss V...  Registration details inside!
Bird Man Mel's "hole" truth and nothing but the truth about cavity nesters.
Small Fry...  Activities for baby pondmeisters. 

March/April 2012
Volume XX, No. 5
Issued March 1, 2012
In This Issue:

Bacteria, Algae... Is it that big of a deal?
Clarity and Turbidity -
Understand their differences.
Channel Catfish - Water bloodhounds with a plan.
Myths and misconceptions about catfish... Learn the facts.
Future of Wildlife - Will agriculture win?
Catfish Behavior - Instinctively cautious but does hunger get the best of them?
Bring in Spring with Purple Martins - Success tips.

January/February 2012
Volume XX, No. 4
Issued January 1, 2012
In This Issue:

Docks - Many reasons, depending on your wishes.
On Nothern Pond - 
Farm raised fish, compared to wild caught.
Water Chemistry - It doesn't take a PhD to understand pH.  
Managing Wildlife? - Learn about brush cover. 
Aquatic Plants - Love them or murder the underwater salad? 
Wildfires in Texas - Bastrop State Park and its new aeration system.
Does Your Pond Slow Down in the Winter? - Learn how a pond 'rests'. 
Got the Blues? - 
Bluebirds, that is? 

November/December 2011
Volume XX, No. 3
Issued November 1, 2011
In This Issue:

Fish behavior - Learn why certain fish behave different ways in your pond…
Want to catch a few fall fish? Brad Wiegmann offers tips & pointers.
What’s in your water? A second primer on water quality & basics of chemistry.  
Nesting bluegills - tips give pause to think about where to build spawning beds.
Pond Pipes - Pro's teach important maintenance issues with pond pipe systems.
Fall Harvest - Wildlife biologist Dan VanSchaik stresses the importance of harvest in a game management program.
Prehistoric Paddlefish - Learn about this fish... it might play a role in your pond. Cardinals - "Bird Man" Mel gives us tips to attract these colorful birds this winter.  

September/October 2011
Volume XX, No. 2
Issued September 1, 2011
In This Issue:
  • Managing a Pond Naturally—For budget-minded people and those who want Nature to do the work.
  • Harvesting Bass—A “must” for heathy ponds.
  • Floods and Droughts—Ponds under siege.
  • Water—Fundamental water chemistry for beginners.
  • Frogs Catch Bass—Techniques to catch your fish.
  • Feeding Wildlife this Winter—Wildlife biologist Dan VanSchaik teaches what to do.
  • Go for the Gold—Goldfinches, that is!
July/August 2011
Volume XX, No. 1
Issued July 1, 2011
In This Issue:
  • Celebrating 20 years! Join Founding Editor Mark McDonald's journey into the early years of Pond Boss.
  • Bluegills...spawn early or late?
  • Water Crisis? Indeed.
  • What to do for waterfowl.
  • Ten reasons to go native.
May/June 2011
Volume XIX, No. 6
Issued May 1, 2011
In This Issue:
  • Pond Boss IV Conference & Expo
  • Aquaponics, a New Trend for Pondmeisters
  • Grow Freshwater Prawns
March/April 2011
Volume XIX, No. 5
Issued March 1, 2011
In This Issue:
  • Pond Boss IV Conference & Expo. Keynote speaker Alan Warren, program information, silent auction.
  • Goose your Geese.  It’s what they leave behind that troubles your pond.
  • Leasing out Your Lake or Pond. An expert examines the pros and cons.
January/February 2011
Volume XIX, No 4
Issued January 1, 2011
In This Issue:
  • Overpopulated & Overcrowded Bass? - We've got the guidelines to help.
  • Largemouth Haute Cuisine - Feeding trout to bass.
  • Ice Fishing?  Fish On! - Making the most of your frozen pond.
November/December 2010
Issued November 1, 2010
Showing 73-84 of 194 issues
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