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May/June 1993 — Back IssuesLetters & e-mails: A. Leaking dam advice. B. Control for vegetation? C. Second fertilizer application? D. Why skinny bass after six months? CUSTOMERS WRITE. A. Ponds good for fly fishing. B. Magazine request from prison. C. Praise mail. STOCKING FLORIDA...$9.50
March/April 1993 — Back IssuesLetters & e-mails: A. Pros & cons of alligators in TX. B. Rebuilt pond stocking. C. Beaver control. CUSTOMERS ALWAYS WRITE. A. Reader has fishing raft plans. B. Rainbow trout as forage. C. Karmex is harmful. MINI-BOATS, MAXI-ACTION. Selection of...$9.50
January/February 1993 — Back IssuesAsk The Pond Boss: A. Syrofoam blocks for dock? B. Drilling mud or sack gel fixes leak? C. Florida bass? COVER STORY. SOME STATES WILL IGNORE YOUR RECORD. Discussion about states not allowing fish from private waters as certified large fish records. Listing...$9.50
November/December 1992 — Back IssuesLetters & e-mails: A. What are a few tips to reduce a leaky pond? B. Can you eat fish after using Karmex? C. Source for Bundle flower and Englemann daisy? D. How not to repeat a "moss" problem next year. BUILD YOUR OWN FISH HOTEL. How to start...$9.50
September/October 1992 — Back IssuesCUSTOMERS WRITE: Praise for the inaugural issue. COOK'S CORNER. No–brainer dove. Recipe for grilling dove breasts. BASS OR CATFISH? Key factors are explained for which species is best suited for your body of water; size, turbidity, vegetation, and...$9.50
July/August 1992 — Back IssuesLetters & e-mails: A. Browish-green grassy looking weeds? B. What are lesions or worm like attachments and spots in bass mouths? HOW BIG FROM HOW SMALL? Tiny lakes produce trophy bass. Basic concepts are discussed for growing trophy bass. Includes a...$9.50
Why Pond Boss? If you own or manage private waters anywhere in the world - or want to - Pond Boss is the leading authority. Pond Boss magazine and