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November/December 2010 — Back IssuesSOMETIMES YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL. Jeff Slipke describes and interesting fishery in a AR 30 ac pond containing 15 species of fish. Good fishery with too few bass; an unusual natural fertility situation producing lots of quality fish. WHAT IS A BLOOM? Lusk goes...$9.50
September/October 2010 — Back IssuesGREAT BLUE HERON. Cecil Baird explains about the biology of herons and some non-lethal control methods. STOCKING A VARIETY OF SUNFISH. Lusk presents information and discussion for stocking eight species of sunfish: bluegill, redear, redbreast, rock bass...$9.50
July/August 2010 — Back IssuesJUST WHAT YOU NEEDED FOR YOUR POND... AN RAS. Cecil Baird tells how he built a recirculating aquaculture fish tank in his basement. Good how to info. Reference for Small Scale Aquaculture book. WATER SNAKES. Lusk provides numerous details about snakes living...$9.50
May/June 2010 — Back IssuesBLUEGILL – BACKBONE OR BANE? NORTH VS SOUTH. Dave Beasly looks at the pros and cons of bluegill in the north and south and how best to manage them. HYBRID BLUEGILL. Lusk reviews the pros and cons, carrying capacity and options for these fish. REDEAR...$9.50
March/April 2010 — Back IssuesALGAE CONTROL Scott Tucker looks at philosophy and options of dealing with problem algae. Explores nutrient control, light reduction, barley straw, herbacious fish, chemicals, microbes, and aeration. LOST LOON. Greg Grimes tells of having a loon on his small...$9.50
January/February 2010 — Back IssuesLOS AMIGOS. A RANCH FOR FRIENDS. Bob McFarland reviews Fred Middleton's 1200ac ranch and ponds, 5 lakes, boathouse and wildlife. WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY FISH? Lusk explains what to look for if your fish have health problems. Gives symptoms of bad water...$9.50
November/December 2009 — Back IssuesPLAN, CHECK, AND RECHECK FOR SHARED POND SUCCESS. Richard Paterson gives some good advice for planning and checking details before building a pond. SEEING WHAT YOUR POND SAYS – NUANCES. Lusk explains pond nuances and how to develop ways of knowing...$9.50
September/October 2009 — Back IssuesFLY FISHING YOUR POND. Lusk with help of George Glazener tells how to get started fly fishing for beginners. Benefits of pond fly fishing. TURTLES. Lusk highlights some of the turtles common in ponds. THE STORY OF BREMER POND. Dwight Bremer and Dr. Willis...$9.50
July/August 2009 — Back IssuesVALUABLE RIPARIAN ECOSYSTEMS. VanSchaik describes the benefits of riparian, wetland and upland ecosystems. THREADFIN SHAD. Lusk gives facts for producing big bass using threadfin shad. THE STORY OF BREMER POND. Dwight Bremer and Dr. Willis document the...$9.50
May/June 2009 — Back IssuesWILDLIFE DISEASES, WARM WEATHER AND WETLANDS. VanSchaik discusses host vectors diseases of wildlife around ponds including blue tongue, bird flu, - Prevention and control options were explored. BULLFROGS. Lusk recalls his first experience with bullfrogs...$9.50
March/April 2009 — Back IssuesMINIMUM TILLAGE + MIMIMUM EXPENSE = MAXIMUM EXPENSE. VanSchaik reviews various conservation tillage methods and which ones are best for wildlife. MUSHROOMING. Dave Sefton looks at wild mushrooms and provides info on season indicators, where to look, edible...$9.50
January/February 2009 — Back IssuesAQUATIC FURBEARERS... NUSIANCE OR NECESSITY? VanSchaik presents good information about the habits and natural history of beavers, nutria and muskrats then discusses the roles played by weasel, mink and otter as theire predators. Control of all is discussed...$9.50
November/December 2008 — Back IssuesWILDLIFE AND LAND USE. VanSchaik discuses land use options for wildlife production, competition between wildlife and farm animals, recreational land use, sport hunting & fishing economic resources. BY ALL MEANS... SAFTEY FIRST. Lusk presents a checklist...$9.50
September/October 2008 — Back IssuesNORTHERN FISHES IN PONDS. Willis provided good advice about using walleye, smallmouth bass, largemouth –bluegill, northern pike, yellow perch and pumpkinseed for stocking into ponds. CRAYFISH – ASSET OR LIABILITY? Dr. Richard Anderson and Lusk...$9.50
July/August 2008 — Back IssuesGETTING READY FOR FALL QUAIL. VanSchaik gives lots of good advice about quail management and how to increase their numbers. Included are facts for supplemental stockings, improving habit, foods. WUELLNER AWARDED PRESTIGIOUS ALLAN SCHOLARSHIP. Lusk provides...$9.50
Why Pond Boss? If you own or manage private waters anywhere in the world - or want to - Pond Boss is the leading authority. Pond Boss magazine and